
The Controversy of Smartphone Use Among Children and Adolescents


By. Suwarni

In today’s digital era, smartphones have become essential tools for people of all ages, regardless of economic status. Everyone uses smartphones to meet their individual needs, whether for business, work, education, entertainment, or communication.

Many parents provide their children with smartphones for communication or educational purposes. However, some parents give smartphones to their toddlers to keep them calm, allowing them to engage in other activities without interruption. As a result, parents feel secure and comfortable with this convenience, often unaware of the potential negative consequences. They may not realize what their children are doing on smartphones connected to the internet. While smartphones have positive impacts, they also pose significant risks that can affect children’s development.

There are both positive and negative impacts of smartphone use among children and adolescents. On the one hand, smartphones provide access to educational content, facilitate communication with family and friends, and offer engagement through social media platforms. On the other hand, excessive smartphone use can lead to addiction, mental health disorders, and exposure to inappropriate content.

Several countries, including the United States, Taiwan, France, Spain, and Australia, have implemented restrictions on smartphone use among children. Recently, the virtual world was shocked by a law passed by the Australian government banning smartphone use for children under 16 years old. This policy aims to reduce the negative impact of social media on Australian children.

Apart from Australia, Taiwan also enforces strict laws regarding smartphone use. Children under two years old are prohibited from using iPads, smartphones, or even watching television. For children under 18, screen time is limited to 30 minutes..

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What about smartphone use among Indonesian children and adolescents? Will Indonesia adopt similar restrictions, or will we continue allowing them unrestricted access to various social media platforms?

At the very least, as parents and responsible adults, we must strive to minimize the potential negative consequences.

Here are some measures that parents and adults can take to mitigate the negative impacts of smartphone use:

  1. Limit screen time and, if necessary, use time-management applications.
  2. Monitor children’s online activities and activate content filters.
  3. Educate children about the dangers of excessive smartphone use and teach them proper online etiquette.
  4. Encourage children to engage in physical activities and develop creative skills.
  5. Be a good role model for children by practicing responsible smartphone use and fostering other valuable skills.

By taking these steps, parents and adults can help minimize the negative impact of smartphone use on children and adolescents.

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