Puisi Oleh Leni Marlina
Maafkan aku kawan,
aku terpaksa berlari, bukan untuk meninggalkanmu, tapi ayahku menunggu.
Sepulang sekolah, aku melangkah ke dermaga,
di mana bau asin laut menyambut seperti sahabat lama,
seragamku berganti dengan baju yang sudah memudar,
dan di bawah terik, aku dan ayah memulai pekerjaan.
Ayahku menata ikan-ikan di atas jaring,
tangannya yang kasar terampil bergerak cepat,
“Jemurlah dengan hati-hati, Nak,” katanya lembut,
dan aku tahu, setiap ikan adalah harapan yang harus kami rawat.
Di sini, di bawah matahari yang tak pernah bersahabat,
aku belajar tentang sabar dari angin yang tak henti bertiup,
tentang bagaimana laut tak selalu memberi dengan mudah,
namun selalu mengajarkan cara bertahan di tengah gelombang.
Ikan-ikan itu berbaring di atas jaring seperti mimpi yang terbentang,
kering oleh waktu, dihangatkan oleh sinar yang menyengat,
dan di sela-sela pekerjaan, aku mencuri pandang ke laut,
membayangkan ombak membawa cerita dari tempat jauh.
Bunyi deburan ombak adalah lagu yang menemaniku,
setiap ayunan jaring seperti tarian tangan ayah,
dan aku ikut bergerak, belajar dari irama hidupnya,
menjemur tidak hanya ikan, tapi juga asa yang kami gantungkan.
Ketika matahari mulai tenggelam di cakrawala,
aku dan ayah memandang hasil kerja kami dengan bangga,
tangan ini mungkin kecil, namun setiap sentuhannya berarti,
karena aku tahu, di sinilah kami menghampat harapan bersama.
SMA N 1 Baso, Agam, Sumbar
Puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina hanya sebagai hobi dan koleksi puisi pribadi 24 tahun yg lalu (tahun 2000). Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kalinya melalui media digital tahun 2024.
Leni Marlina telah mengabdi sebagai dosen tetap di Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang sejak tahun 2006. Penulis juga merupakan pendiri dan kepala beberapa komunitas digital bidang sastra, pendidikan dan sosial termasuk World Children’s Literature Community (WCLC): https://rb.gy/5c1b02; POETRY-PEN International Community; komunitas PPIPM (Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat) Starcom Indonesia; (Starmoonsun Eduprenuer Community Indonesia): https://rb.gy/5c1b02
Sebagai anggota aktif dari Perkumpulan Penulis Indonesia SATU PENA Sumatera Barat, penulis juga terlibat dalam kolaborasi internasional, seperti Victoria Writers Association di Australia dan ACC International Writers Community di Hong Kong.
Meaning of the poem: We have to help parents
My favorite line/stanza: Maafkan aku kawan
Things come to my mind: we must respect our parents
This poem tells the story of a child helping their father work as a fisherman after school.
Afifah Syaharani 24019001
My favorite line is “Di sini, di bawah matahari yang tak pernah bersahabat,
aku belajar tentang sabar dari angin yang tak henti bertiup.”
Afifah Syaharani 24019001
Reading this poem makes us reflect on the meaning of responsibility, especially within the family. It invites us to understand the importance of appreciating hard work that often goes unnoticed in daily life.
Afifah Syaharani 24019001
My favorit line is “Di mana sinar matahari dan angin laut”
24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL7-8 LM
What comes in my mind after read this poem is reminds me of summer days spent near the sea, where nature teaches us to endure and find peace
24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL7-8 LM
The title suggest a coastal setting where the heat of the sun is balanced by the coolinh sea breeze.
Syasya (24019030)
This poems taught me about a nice and sweet relationship between a father and his son.
Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
My favorite sanza is “karena aku tahu, di sinilah kami menghampat harapan bersama”. From this poems, I learn that even if you have an ordinary life, being together with your family is more important than anything
Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
What things come to my mind after read the poem is the poem shows a father and child bonding through hard work, learning patience and hope.
Syasya (24019030)
The Meaning of the Title
To me, Under the Scorching Sun and Sea Breeze means working hard in tough conditions, just like the speaker and their father working under the hot sun and sea breeze.
Favorite Line/Stanza
The line I like the most is:
_”I learned patience from the wind that never stops blowing,
about how the sea doesn’t always give easily,
but always teaches how to survive the waves.”_
It teaches us to be patient and keep going through difficulties.
What Comes to Mind After Reading the Poem
After reading the poem, I think about working hard, being patient, and learning from our parents.
Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
This poem “Di Bawah Terik Matahari dan Angin Laut” conveys deep feelings of regret and responsibility. In the first stanza, the speaker asks for forgiveness from a friend, explaining that their departure is not meant to abandon them, but rather due to obligations to their father.
Ridel Decastro 24019082
24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL7-8 LM
What is the meaning of the tittle of the poem to you : contains many symbolic images and meaning that can be interpreted in various ways.
Which line / stanza you Like very much : 4
What things come to you mind after reading the poem : this poem describes a simple but meaning run life journey, about hardwork, love and learning in the family.
write the meaning of the poem:
the poem tells us about someone who loves his father so much.
the line you like very much:
Dan Aku tau,setiap ikan adalah harapan yang harus kami rawat.
what things come toul your mind:
missing something and loving family
M.Ridho Riszi Sc
The title “under the hot sun and sea breeze” describes the struggle and resilience of life in the face of adversity
Sanza: “Here, under the sun that is never friendly, I learn about patience from the wind that never stops blowing, about how the sea does not always give easily, but always teaches how to survive in the midst of the waves.”
Trisna Filius Adi 24019113 — 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
1. Di Bawah Terik Matahari dan Angin Laut it’s means to me is resilience in facing the strength of life’s trials
Thasya Nor Aminah ( 24 JD Listening NK-3 SN9-10 24 LM )
2. The line I like is “Laut tak selalu memberi dengan mudah” That means there must always be effort to achieve the desired results.
Thasya Nor Aminah ( 24 JD Listening NK-3 SN9-10 24 LM )
3. After I read this poem I understand that if we want something we have to try to get it.
Thasya Nor Aminah ( 24 JD Listening NK-3 SN9-10 24 LM )