Ananda Nayla Tabrani Yunis
The Student of Class VI-1 of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Model, Banda Aceh
When I was shopping at POTRET Gallery on jalan Prof. Ali Hasyimi, Pango Raya, Banda Aceh, I saw so many products, such as toys, stationaries, educational toys, handicrafts, dream catchers, bags, flowers, and many other products too. It seemed to me that all the products at Potret Gallery were very good and interesting, not only for me but also for other people, especially children. Parents who want their children be creative and skillful, can buy various educational toys at Potret Gallery. The children will be very happy to buy the educational toys.
So, walking around the aisles of the products at Potret Gallery, suddenly I got an interesting idea. I want to do a business and I can do my best by utilizing the products available at Potret Gallery. As you know that there so many interesting products. I can promote those products by using the YouTube channel, Anak Cerdas Magazine, which has been made by my Dad. I can also use Tik Tok account, rainbow butter. Have you ever followed it? If not, you can watch it. You will enjoy it.
Well, talking about my dream to run business, actually I was inspired by my Dad and when I was thinking about running my business, I do not need to think about money for running my business, because I can sell all products at Potret Gallery. It can make my dream or idea happens. So, it is easy for me, as far as I am serious to do it. The dream to run business, because I really want to make money by myself. I know that having my own money will be very enjoyable. I do not need to ask money from my parents. I can buy what I like, without asking or begging my parents. Another reason is after watching other peoples’ videos in You Tube and Tik Tok, I was motivated from that, even actually I was thinking that I am too young to run my own business. However, I keep thinking how to make money easier.
Many people want to run business, but not all of them can make their ideas or dream happen. Do you know why? Of course there are so many reasons. One of the reasons is they do not have business idea. They do not know what business they want to do or run. They do not know what what we need for opening business. I remember that its not easy because I have to find money before I buy the product and we need to have a lot of money. just imagine that if I want to have a lot of stock of the products, I need to have much money.
Luckily, for me, for making or opening business is very easy. I just begin or start my business by selling the product at Potret Gallery. I do not need to keep the stocks of the products. If I buy first, then sell them to my friends at school or by online shopping will be prospectively good. It is easy, is not it?
Of course. I have had an experience selling products to my friends at school, when I was at Elementary school, MIN Banda Aceh. Since I studied at MIN I started to prcatice how to sell my products/
Actually I wanted to have my own business since I was at Elementary school. At that time, I had a dream to open an ice cream store. I have told or written about this in Anak Cerdas Magazine or at I really like to write there. So, I can run business and do writing. Who know one day I can make my business dream bigger, for example opening my own mall, because every day I see a lot of people at the mall. I really hope to have a lot of money so I can make my dream come true
Sometimes I am jealous to see for people who can easily make money. Even for some others seems very hard. As we know that in this era, where technology develop very fast, some people can make money by using mobile phone. Even may be for some other people don’t have the mobile phone. Unfortunately, because I am still a kid, my parents do not want to support me buying mobile phone. They do not want men spend my times for mobile phone. Even, I really know how to make money now. I keep trying to business. I finally realize that its very hard to make money and therefore many people who don’t have money until they have to beg from their parents. It is not good to beg because we have to try to make money by our selves. Now, lets think about business and keep our dream happens.
Ananda Nayla lahir di Banda Aceh, pada tanggal 11 Januari 2009 adalah anak pertama dari 3 bersaudara. Saat ini berstatus sebagai Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh di kelas X.2. Alamat saat ini di POTRET Gallery, jalan Prof. Ali Hasyimi, Pango Raya, Kecamatan Ule Kareng, Banda Aceh. Mulai menulis sejak masih di kelas V MIN 5 Banda Aceh. Tulisan-tulisan yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan dimuat di
Saat belajar di MTsN Banda Aceh, tulisan yang ditulis dimuat di Sehari-hari berkomunikasi dalam dua bahasa, yakni Indonesia dan Inggris. Selain menulis, suka menggambar, mendesain dekorasi rumah di game, main basket dan shopping. Cita-çıta ingin menjadi psikolog dan desainer.